Kate Howard


We’re gearing up for a wonderful season of rehearsals in anticipation of our next concerts in June, which we’ll hold during the weekend of the summer solstice, 21st of June, 2025.

But to get there, we have to practise, of course!  And what better way to begin the practice season than to share in a workshop day of singing, when Kate Howard will introduce many of the numbers we’ll be working on throughout the dreary winter months and on into full spring.

There can’t be a better way to enter the month of February (rather later than originally scheduled, now on Sunday the 9th)  than to sing with other singers in the delightful acoustic space of New Galloway’s Town Hall.  The vibrancy and liveliness of the hall makes singing a real joy, as we listen to each other, and the parts have a little echo off the bright walls, bringing the whole experience right back to each of us.

Tickets for the Workshop Day, priced at £15 to include all the sheet music pack, are available through TicketSource by clicking the button below.  We shall all look forward to seeing friends, and making new ones (anyone who likes singing, who may not have sung since they were children, who may be an experienced sight-singer, whomever, is very welcome on the day!).  Do, please, bring along a lunch that’s shareable with the other workshop participants.

This button takes you, on a new page, to the TicketSource booking system.

Scroll  through the ‘songwaves’ a little to access the button, and onwards to enjoy our promotional video.  We do enjoy singing together!




Watch this space for more details or email us at songwavechoir@gmail.com to sign up for our newsletter to be kept up to date with all our activities.